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Friday, August 10, 2012

The Beats: Handwritten Pen Tattoo

-Just made this up while I'm reviewing for our exam last week. 


Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Beats: Nutrition Week

The three of us watched the awarding ceremony (program) of our nutrition week. 

We watched the Mr. & Miss Healthy pageant. We received our awards >.<

Our Awards: 
        - Second Placer Quiz Bee
        - Second Placer Cooking Contest

       - First placer Slogan Making Contest
       - First Placer Quiz Bee
       - Third Placer Cooking Contest
       - Third  Placer Poster Making Contest
       - First Placer Poster Making Contes
       - Sixth Placer Cooking Contest

Before the program ends we cleaned the portion where elementary pupils (middle-school-students) sit.
While picking straws I'm  guesting where does the person who used it licked the straw because its kinda "eek" when I'm gonna hold the wet part (the part with saliva). 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Beats SAM : Birthday Celebrations

- Angela's 12th Birthday at Burgoo. She celebrated it with her relatives.
(May 30 2012)

-Merry's 11th Birthday beside the beach. She celebrated her birthday with her (Best) friends . 
(July 20 2012)

- Stephanie's Birthday will be on September 23 #45DaysToGo

The Beats at The Beach

Its our Classmate's Birthday (Ma. Victoria "Tin-tin" Tirol)
Its her 11th birthday.. Its quite fun.

This is the funnest day of our lives!! I'm gonna note this date (July 6 2012) Its our first time to have freedom!.  Its like this is the FIRST TIME we partied without our parents with us. Thank God our parents allowed us to party without them (BTW they should really allow us, we are now 6th graders DUh!.) ...
We partied until 7:00 p.m (-.-) .. ITS FUN . We drank some whines and tasted RC with whine and some drinks. 

Our classmate's Birthday (TIn-Tin)

- The Birthday Celebrant 

- Merry, Stephanie, Angela. Sneak Pic. while waiting for the Birthday Celebrant
-Ivan,Patrick,Justine, and Guiller (our classmates) This photo was taken at Tin-tin's house. 

- Beautiful sunset with sun reflection picture. <3

-Tin-tin just caught a small fish and lending it to us. 

-Merry just caught a pop-fish (botete).. Taking a picture while my classmate is laughing so hard. >.<

-Angela took a picture  with the fish caught by Tin-tin
-Stephanie took a picture  with the fish caught by Tin-tin

-Tintin,Steph,Ella,Justin,and Guiller With different poses.

- The most awaited moment of Angela "PURPLE SKY"

-Merry & Angela's Sunset Heart

Cornetto Ice Cream

I'm with my friends (Angela & Janine) eating some refreshing ICE CREAM. 
With my favorite flavor CHOCOLATE. It gave me a refreshing feeling after eating it.

-Late Update-   July 31 2012